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Shine Toothpaste

//Branding + Identity

shiine toothpaste tube

A toothpaste brand focused on reclaiming the benefits of fluoride while promoting its safety and efficacy. The design system sidesteps the traditional approach for pharmaceutical dental products and establishes itself in a new context; marketing itself as an ethical product that is naturally derived. Addressing the common misconception that fluoride is toxic and man-made when indeed it is a natural component and is released from rocks into the soil, water, and air.

The brand strategy seeks to promote a system that connects with people as a self-care item as opposed to something used for routine maintenance. This is done so by using beautiful and natural textures in the design, elegant typography, and minimal packaging.

A series of three advertisements togetherA billboard advertisement of a person smilingA Box and Tube product being displayedSeveral boxes and tubes being advertisedmarketing collateral of a phone, letterhead, and paper postcardsperson brushing their teethMedia board of a logo and typefaces